Guide to Charter Schools in Pomona, California

Charter school enrollment is growing. Since the first charter school opened in 1992 in St. Paul, Minnesota, charter schools have served over 12 million students. Charter schools' uniqueness makes them a popular choice with many families.

If you are looking for a different approach to education, a charter school might be the answer for you and your family. This article will help answer the following questions about enrolling at a tuition-free public charter school:

What is a Charter School?
What is the Difference Between a Charter School and a Public School in Pomona, California?
Are charter schools free in Pomona, California?
How are charter schools funded in Pomona, California?
Are charter schools better in Pomona, California?
What Tuition-Free Public Charter Schools are Available in Pomona, California?
What is the Process of Enrolling My Child in a Tuition-Free Public Charter School in Pomona, California?
Do Public Charter Schools Offer High-Quality Education in Pomona, California?
Why Choose a Charter School?

What is a Charter School?

Charter schools are publicly funded institutions that operate independently of the traditional school district structure. They are established through a "charter," which outlines their mission, educational program, goals, and methods of assessment. Unlike traditional public schools, which are governed by local school boards and district policies, charter schools are managed by their own governing bodies, which can include parents, teachers, community members, or nonprofit organizations. This governance structure allows charter schools to respond more flexibly to the needs of their students and communities.

Charter schools are held accountable for their academic performance and must demonstrate results in order to remain open. They are subject to state academic standards and requirements, and their charter can be revoked if they fail to meet these standards or violate the terms of their charter agreement.

An infographic from the National Charter School Resource Center entitled “What is a Charter School?”
An infographic from the National Charter School Resource Center entitled “What is a Charter School?

What is the Difference Between a Charter School and a Public School in Pomona, California?

Charter schools are public schools! They are tuition-free public schools open to all students. Similar to traditional schools, public charter schools are funded with taxpayer dollars. A charter school operates under a performance contract with either the school district it will serve or the state’s authorizing agency. 

You can apply and enroll your children in a tuition-free, public charter school, even outside your school district. California charter schools must admit all students who apply as long as they have capacity. Thus, parents can choose the charter school of choice and not worry about breaking district rules.

Unlike public district schools, seeing your child's name on the school's waitlist is possible, especially if you applied to a sought-after charter school. Many charter schools receive more applications than their capacities allow. Schools with more applicants than they can enrollusually employ a random selection process or lottery system.

Are charter schools free in Pomona, California?

Yes. California's charter schools are tuition-free, public, and open to all students. Charter schools are publicly funded schools that operate independently of the traditional public school system. They do not charge tuition fees, making them free for students to attend. However, they differ from typical public schools in that they often have more flexibility in curriculum, hiring practices, and management structures. Despite this autonomy, charter schools must adhere to state academic standards and regulations to receive public funding. This unique blend of independence and accountability allows charter schools to offer diverse educational approaches while remaining accessible to all students without cost.

How are charter schools funded in Pomona, California?

Charter schools are funded primarily through public sources, similar to traditional public schools. While district schools receive funding from federal, state, and local governments, charter school funding comes mainly from the state and a small amount from the local government. Funding is based on the number of students enrolled, much like district schools. However, unlike district schools that receive funding directly from local property taxes, charter schools typically do not have access to those funds. Instead, they may receive funding or additional grants from various sources, including philanthropic organizations. 

Are charter schools better in Pomona, California?

It depends on the school. When it comes to standardized testing, charter schools and traditional public schools perform similarly. California charter schools show much improvement for students of color, in fact, better than conventional public schools.

Charter schools shine when you look at what makes them distinct. Each charter school started to offer something different than local district schools. It may be in the classes offered, class size, educational philosophy, or a focus on fine arts or engineering. Each charter school is unique, and you can find out what makes the charter schools local to you so special.

What Tuition-Free Public Charter Schools are Available in Pomona, California?

We recommend considering The School of Arts & Enterprise (The SAE) for your child’s education.

The SAE is a tuition-free, audition-free charter school serving grades 6-12, located in the vibrant Pomona Arts Colony. We offer nationally recognized, award-winning arts education and creative entrepreneurship programs. Our three campuses provide a small school environment with project-based learning and block scheduling, allowing students to complete homework and projects during the school day. Middle school students explore various interests, while high school students choose from seven majors and five dual majors, engaging in rigorous portfolio reviews to demonstrate their growth. At The SAE, we understand that each student is unique, and we cater to their individual interests and needs. Wednesday Afternoon Arts gives students access to 15 different arts programs and extended rehearsal time, while after-school hours are dedicated to tutoring, rehearsals, and additional coursework. This individualized approach to education ensures that each student can reach their full potential, both academically and artistically.

The SAE boasts one of the largest visual and performing arts seasons in the country, with unique offerings like a recording studio, professional band, repertory dance company, musical theater productions, and gallery exhibitions. We host Ted Talks, a Master Artist series, and residencies with nationally recognized artists. Our flexible curriculum and teaching methods cater to our students' unique interests and needs. Graduates have many college options, including top arts conservatory programs. But what truly sets us apart is our community. SAE students feel a strong sense of belonging, supported by a community that values creative expression and celebrates differences. This support system is what prepares them for successful futures in the arts and beyond.

What is the Process of Enrolling My Child in a Tuition-Free Public Charter School in Pomona, California? 

The enrollment process of charter schools is similar to that of other school types. They require an application providing information about the child, such as name, address, birth date, ethnic background, and the last school attended.

Families are responsible for checking the charter schools’ application and enrollment deadlines and specific enrollment rules, policies, and requirements. Charter schools may have different rules and processes, but all their admission rules must comply with state laws. According to California laws, charter schools cannot implement policies that unlawfully discriminate against their applicants. 

Remember that your child may be placed in a lottery or on the school's waitlist, especially if you apply to a sought-after charter school. 

Do Public Charter Schools Offer High-Quality Education in Pomona, California?

Parents want the best for their children, so ensuring their child is getting the best education is a must. People have long wondered how charter schools compare to public schools in California. 

According to the California Charter Schools Association, charter schools outperform public schools in both reading and math. These gains are even more pronounced for Black and Latino students. 

Why Choose a Charter School?

Exploring charter schools in Pomona, California opens up a world of educational possibilities for your child. Whether you're drawn to a specialized program, a unique educational philosophy, or simply a different approach to learning, charter schools offer diverse options. By researching and visiting schools, you can make an informed decision that supports your child's academic and personal growth.

About The SAE

The School of Arts and Enterprise (The SAE) is an audition-free and tuition-free arts charter school serving grades 6-12. Our campuses are located in the Pomona, CA Arts Colony, surrounded by a thriving professional arts community. We offer nationally-recognized, award-winning arts education and creative entrepreneurship for young artists through project-based learning and flexible block scheduling. Students are supported by a close-knit community that values creative expression and celebrates differences. Join The SAE today! Enrolling now.

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“The School of Arts + Enterprise pushed me to find my passions and push myself to go beyond what I could’ve even imagined.”

~ Kaya McWilliams, Class of 2022